About the company


Development strategy

The main tasks currently facing the branch of the Krasnaya Zvezda Paper Mill OJSC Svetlogorsk TsKK are the technical re-equipment and modernization of fixed production assets, increasing production volumes, improving quality, increasing gross profit, as well as profitability and profitability.
  The investment project “Modernization of BP-54 PMB and technological mass preparation flow” was implemented. Modern high-performance equipment was purchased and installed, ensuring the production of competitive high-quality products, and meeting modern requirements for operating costs: energy and resource consumption.
  Modernization of the paper machine had a positive impact on the sales of finished products of the branch of the Paper Factory Krasnaya Zvezda of Svetlogorsk TsKK OJSC both in the market of the Republic of Belarus and in the markets of the near and far abroad.

History of the company


The Chashniki paper mill was built by landowner Volatkovich and the Skina cardboard factory was called at that time. The factory had two dads machines.


1896, 1905, 1912

The next three paper machines were put into operation.


During the civil war, the Skina factory was burned and destroyed. After the fire left the boiler room and paper machine. In accordance with the Decree of the Vitebsk Regional Security Council, the Skina factory became the property of the state in October 1918.



For the efforts made in restoring the production of paper products in 1923, the Vitebsk Economic Council assigned the name "Red Star" to the paper mill. By the end of 1923, the factory was fully restored and began to increase production capacity.


During the Great Patriotic War, the factory was completely burned down and destroyed for the second time.



Revitalizing work began.


In September, the restored paper machine number 3 gave the first product.



It took more than two years to launch the No. 2 paper machine.


Earned another car. At the same time, the capacity of the factory reached 7,000 tons of products per year. Produced wallpaper, writing, under parchment and wrapping paper.



In order to increase the productivity of paper machines, the introduction of new equipment and the modernization of equipment began.


The factory has implemented a scientific quality management system for products, all products are certified for the first category, and two types of paper have been awarded the “Quality Mark”.



Paper machine №4 is put into operation.


Another machine is being commissioned. The machines were designed to work on cellulosic raw materials.



There was a gap between the republican relations in the supply of pulp, and the factory was forced to transfer the entire fleet of paper-making equipment to the recycling of waste paper with the organization of the release of wrapping paper and base paper for corrugation.


On the basis of Order No. 242 dated December 30, 1993, the State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus, the Krasnaya Zvezda paper mill was transformed into an open joint-stock company Krasnaya Zvezda. A workshop for the production of waterborne paints was built and put into operation.



For further expansion of capacities and production of new types of products, corrugated unit No. 1 was installed.

1999 г.

By the decision of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee No.423 of August 20, 1999, the Krasnaya Zvezda OJSC was renamed into the Open Joint-Stock Company Paper Factory Krasnaya Zvezda.

1999 г.


A corrugated unit number 2 and a box production line were installed.


By order of the concern "Bellesbumprom" No. 224 dated 12/27/2011, the Open Joint-Stock Company "Paper Factory Krasnaya Zvezda" reorganized in the form of a merger with OAO Svetlogorsk TsKK



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